Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Flying Clockwork Key

I happen to be a big Harry Potter fan, and, as you already know, I also love steam-punk. This morning I had an inspiration hit me upside the head, mix the two to make flying clockwork keys, sort of like the one Harry had to catch in the Philosophers Stone. I had a bunch of unused skeleton keys floating (heh heh heh) around my house, just waiting for a project of some kind, and I figured there couldn't be a better use for those keys than this.
First I cut wing shapes out of a bit of unused roofing copper, technically anything would do, but I like the way this copper looks. The metal is very thin, so I had to be careful. It also comes with tar on the back, this can be a bit tricky to get off. If you heat the copper up just enough to soften the tar layer, you can usually peel it off without to much trouble.

Once I had my shape all ready, I took a very strong needle and poked holes down each side, making sure that they were even on both sides. I had to put the copper on a bit of fabric to manage getting all the way through, but it worked out. I did six holes on either side

Then I took some 28 gauge silver wire and laced it around the key and through the holes to hold the copper into place. After the copper was secured onto my key I decided I wanted the key to have legs (in case it got tired of flying, one must think of these things when creating), so I took six long spindly bits (technical term there, spindly bits) out of my cache of pocket watch pieces and put them through the first three holes for the wire on either side.

I ended up having to super glue them on when they wouldn't stay where I wanted them too, but in the end my key was standing on its own.

I was meaning for this to be a good solid piece with no moving parts, so out with the trusty superglue again and on with the wing decorating.
The small gears were all either purchased on Etsy, or taken out of old watches by yours truly. The larger gears were out of a bag of a sundry gears I bought from Hobby Lobby.

I was cut on whether or not to add feathers and lace to this key, but in the end, decided against it.
There are gears on both the front and back of the wings, and I added to the shape a little with some strategic gear placement.

 I tried to make both sides as even as possible, so that it wouldn't look lopsided. This is the finished product.

This piece is not meant to be worn, for one thing it is very heavy, for another, very sharp, it is purely decorative.

Now, where to hang it...

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